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The Slammy's were a wonderful time of the year where Superstars and Divas were recognized for their hard work in EBWF from the previous year. The night was spent among friends and coworkers, sharing laughter and appreciation for one another. Normally a happy evening to be had by all, that was except for Jamie Szantyr, better known as Velvet Sky. The night had turned out amazing in the beginning but would quickly change by the end of the night. Jamie had managed to win Babe of the Year for the third time since signing with the company back in 2011. She had also been asked to present the Hottie of the Year award, which went to twelve time winner, Wes Ikeda. Wes and Jamie had always had a playful relationship with one another. While the two had never officially "hooked up", there had always been a sort of playful banter between the two. Most of the coworkers knew about this and showed no issues with their friendship, and some didn't understand it at all. Paul Lloyd Jr. was one of those who never understood, or cared for, that particular friendship. Jamie had no idea that when she pecked Wes Ikeda on the lips, something that was meant to be playful and innocent, would change everything. Paul, known better as PJ Black, Jamie's boyfriend over the past few years, was ready to lose his shit right then and there at the award show. He had clenched his jaw and his fists to refrain from making a huge scene. Velvet realized she may have crossed the line a little but figured the two of them would get passed it no problem, right?


Jamie instantly knew things weren't good when she returned to her seat next to her boyfriend and he didn't even acknowledge her. Jamie took a long drink from her glass of Chardonnay after she had taken her seat once more. She could see his jaws clenched, not a good sign.

jamie.szantyr;;: So... I guess that means you're upset with me now?

paul.lloyd.jr;;: Let's not do this here, Jamie.

Paul warned her all the while keeping his gaze straight forward to the stage area. His tone told her all she needed to know. Jamie then rolled her eyes and sighed, swirling her wine around in her glass.

jamie.szantyr;;: Paul, really? Can we not talk about this like adults?

paul.lloyd.jr;;: I said... Not. Here.

Jamie shook her head and got up from her seat. Paul turned his gaze to see what direction she was heading off in. He looked around for a moment before he too got up and followed hot on her trail. Jamie pushed through some double glass doors and walked down the hallway that lead to the parking garage.

paul.lloyd.jr;;: Now you're mad because I don't want to air our laundry out in front of our coworkers at an award show?!

Jamie was digging in her small purse for the rental car keys when he said that. She stopped in place and spun around on her heels.

jamie.szantyr;;: Paul, I understand why you're upset and I want to talk things out. You know, like adults do in relationships. But no, you would rather sit there like a pissy child and pout about something that's not even a big deal!!

paul.lloyd.jr;;: Not a big deal?! Not a big deal? Jamie, you're my girlfriend and you kissed another man! Not a big deal, my ass. This is a man we all know has wanted under your skirt since he signed you.

Jamie's eyed widened with shock and she pressed her lips together firmly for a moment before speaking.

jamie.szantyr;;: Even if that were remotely true, which it's not! Even if it were, it doesn't matter. Wes is married to Nattie, and I'm with you! Nattie is my friend, and your's! I'd never jeopardize any of that.

Paul let out a ridiculous laugh and shook his head.

paul.lloyd.jr;;: Funny because I obviously saw differently. You know he would toss his marriage away in a heartbeat if you gave him the green light! I mean am I missing something here? Are you tired of me? You want Ikeda's money and lavish lifestyle and now regret not sleeping with him? Tell me, what is it? Hm?

Jamie sneered at this, looking at him in disgust.

jamie.szantyr;;: You're an asshole!

Jamie turned and headed in the direction she was originally heading towards. Paul continued in stride behind her.

paul.lloyd.jr;;: You're making me this way, Jamie. You think I should be okay with seeing my girlfriend kiss her boss?

jamie.szantyr;;: Unbelievable.

paul.lloyd.jr;;: Honestly how can you even be upset with me not being okay with this?

jamie.szantyr;;: Because Paul, it was not a big deal! It was an award show, fans have been mentioning him and I for god knows how long and we were just playing into that.

paul.lloyd.jr;;: Oh I get it now, just because some fans like the idea of you two and made a few Tumblr posts about it, then that makes it perfectly okay to kiss and I shouldn't be mad at all. You're right, how could I ever be so clueless?

Paul's voice was thick with sarcasm.

jamie.szantyr;;: I get that you're upset and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done it, fine you're right. I'm sorry, what else do you want? Obviously you don't trust me or you wouldn't be this upset with something so small.

Jamie reached her black Ford Fusion rental car and unlocked it. She threw her purse in the passenger seat and turned back to Paul.

paul.lloyd.jr;;: I did trust you, I don't trust him. I never have and I never will. But don't stand there and act like you wouldn't be furious with me if I went up there and kissed some other girl.

Jamie shot him a stern look and shook her head.

jamie.szantyr;;: You really wanna go down that road, Paul?

Paul let out a sigh in frustration.

jamie.szantyr;;: Call me when you're ready to handle this. I'm not going to stand here and argue about this when this is going no where. I'll see you at the hotel.

Jamie sat in the car and started the ignition. She buckled up and wasted no time backing up before she drove off. Paul stood there and watched as she drove off for their hotel without another word.


Wrestlemania week was in full swing in Arlington, Texas, with Superstar meet and greets happening all over the place, TV and radio interviews, Dinner With the Divas and so many other fun filled festivities for the fans. At the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Center, which is where EBWF Access was taking place, Velvet Sky was spotted taking a break from the meet and greets. A camera focused in on her while she sat at an empty booth that was closed off, sitting back in a chair with her boots propped up on a table. Velvet sported some ripped up jeans and a cropped Slayer t-shirt. The beauty from Connecticut munched on some popcorn, watching as the fans made their way around meeting various Superstars and Divas. Velvet noticed the camera man walking her way and shot him a head nod in acknowledgment but stayed in her reclined position.;;: So this is Velvet Sky's secret to preparing for a Wrestlemania match?;;: Yep, ice cold Coke and some Popcorn. I'm watching my diet because that may help me in my match, along with hitting the gym.

Velvet rolled her eyes and munched on some more popcorn.;;: Oh and she's snarky to boot!

Velvet practically beamed at that and nodded her head.;;: But seriously, what are you even doing here? I'm on break.;;: I know but all camera crew is assigned to walk around to capture footage of Access along with some small interviews with wrestlers since the Interviewers are all booked up for Wrestlemania.;;: Got'cha. I assume that means you're here to ask me a few things?;;: Yes and it appears to be the best time for it.

Velvet pondered this then nodded in agreement. She took a sip of her soda before munching on more Popcorn with minimal effort.;;: Alright then ask away.;;: Well I'd like to start off by congratulating you for winning Babe of the Year for the third time.;;: Yeah, yeah, thanks. You here just to talk about my Slammy wins or my wrestling career?;;: Well your career obviously.;;: Then let's get to it. Thanks. I'm pretty busy, ya'know.;;: Alrighty then... Velvet, can you give us an explanation on why you chose to attack Trish with the title belt back at Fallout?;;: Going all the way back to Fallout, huh? I don't need an explanation on why I did what I did. It is what it is.;;: It just seems weird that you had so much respect for her before the match, just to later go out to the match and use the title to try and take her out.;;: Yeah, that didn't quite work out as planned. I made a split second decision and it almost worked. Almost. But you know, Rome wasn't built in a day. I'm not done with Trish by any means. I won the title off her at the Rumble and in a moment of weakness, I lost it to her at Fallout. I get that she's obligated to have a match with Alexa Bliss at Wrestlemania, but she knows I'm coming back for that title once this is all over with. Just look at my opponents in this Scramble match. Natalya? Sasha Banks? Bayley?!

Velvet practically laughed when she said Bayley's name.;;: Better not make myself laugh. I might choke on my popcorn and I'm not looking to miss this match at Wrestlemania due to a lodged kernel.

Velvet cleared her throat and took a drink before speaking again.;;: I'm going to beat out all my opponents at Wrestlemania and once again win the number one contender's for the Women's title. Then it's on my way to take back the strap, even if I have to physically retire Trish Stratus.

Velvet crossed one of her boots over the other on the table and drank some more of her Coke.;;: You can't be serious? Retire Trish? Many have threatened to do just that and none have succeeded.;;: Then perhaps it's time for someone to change that.;;: But first you have to get through Wrestlemania...;;: As I previously stated, that's not even going to be a problem. Natalya probably has severe ring rust. She's too busy riding on Trish's coat tails and desperately hanging on to her relevancy, all while being a spot holder for the Divas Tag titles. Sasha Banks? Sasha has been occupied with the new girls on the block, so who knows where her focus will even be. I'm willing to bet she'll be a little distracted and I plan to "Bank on that."

Velvet tucked some of her blonde and black hair behind her ear.;;: And who's left? Oh yes, Bayley. Everyone's favorite peppy Diva. People keep saying she's impressive but I have yet to see it. So you use a zillion colors and rock dollar store headbands, tossing in a few wacky-waving-inflatable-arm-flailing tube men. She might be good entertainment to children, but news flash, this isn't a child's Birthday party. This is wrestling. I'm sure little Bayley is looking to make history for herself at her first Wrestlemania, but I'm not about to let that happen. She might be a good wrestler, but tonight I will prove that I am even better at what I do. It might happen one day for Bayley, but that time isn't Wrestlemania.

Velvet placed her boots back down on the ground and sat up. Velvet finished off her soda and looked a bit disappointed. She looked back at the camera man.;;: W'elp, that's my cue to go, my soda's empty. Time to find a funnel cake. Until next time camera dude.

Velvet chucked the deuce and started to walk away.;;: My name is Patrick by the way!;;: Didn't ask!

The footage cuts off once Velvet is out of view of the camera.




